Seminar: Work and Employment Studies (378006)


General Characteristics
Titel Seminar: Work and Employment Studies
Course Number 378006
Semester WiSe 2024/25
Course Frequency each WiSe
Content Varieties of Work, Employment and Organization
Target Group

MSc WiWi PO 2018

Number of Participants 18
Language Seminar sessions and seminar paper (Seminarabeit) in English
Location Internal
Partners None
Schedule Block Course
Preparation of Essay During first weeks of semester
Requirements and Support
Course Objectives After attending the modul students are able to independently write an academic essay on Master level in the field of work and employment studies and to present their findings orally.
Required Pre-Qualifications None
Support Course Scientific Work None
Formal Guidelines Guidelines for preparing the seminar  (german)
General Literature

References to basic literature will be provided in the kick-off session, 11.November 2024, 10-14 

Basic Literature Yes
Methodology The main format is conceptual work on the basis of literature reviews and reflective and structured analysis of concepts and empirical studies. In occasional circumstances, small empirical studies might be conducted but this is not mandatory.
Software for Statistics None
Software for Writing No specific recommendation
Essay Length 6000 words (incl. title page and references)
Consultations One meeting minimum, up to three meetings
Examination Components  80 % Essay (Seminararbeit)
20 % Presentation 
Examiner Prof. Dr. Axel Haunschild
Contact Prof. Dr. Axel Haunschild
Group Work & Topic Assignment
Group Work Optional
Group Size max. 4
Group Arrangement Based on preferences
Topics Essay topics will be announced in the first seminar session on 11. November 2024, 10-14.
Topic Assignment  Based on preferences, per drawing of lots if needed
Type of Pre-Registration

Online form (Link available from 1 September to 15 September)


Pre-Registration 1. September 2024 to 15. September 2024
Topic Presentation  11. November 2024, 10:00 - 14:00, building 1208, room C101
Topic Assignment 11. November 2024, 10:00 - 14:00 Uhr
Binding Registration until 15. November 2024
Start Working Phase 11. November 2024
Deadline Essay  08. January 2025
Deadline Presentation  11. January 2025, (electronically)
Presentation 13. January 2025, 10:00-17:00 and
14. January 2025 10:00-13:00,  building 1208, room C101
Pre-registration Form 

Online form (Link available from 1 September  to 15 September )